Support our hospital and clinic building project.
The project will include the construction of a Maternal and Child Health Hospital (with the delivery room, postnatal room, operating theatre, observation room, office space, toilet and bathrooms, water storage tank and water supply system) to serve a total population of 115,319 from four chiefdoms.
This project will be implemented in Shenge the chiefdom headquarters town of Kargboro Chiefdom and to cover additional three chiefdoms including Bagruwa, Kongnora and Timdale in Moyamba District. Currently there is no existing standard BeMNOC Health Facility in the Chiefdom. Presently, mothers with their children strapped at their back, pregnant women and sick people walk long distances to have access to basic health care.
The project will include construction of a Maternal and Child Health Hospital (with delivery room, postnatal room, operating theatre, observation room, office space, toilet and bathrooms, water storage tank and water supply system) to serve a total population of 115,319 from four chiefdom (Kargboro, Bagruwa, Timdale and Kongbora). The facility will be provided with furniture and equipment to make the center functional.
The construction of the Samaritan Care Maternal and Child Health Hospital, equipped with furniture and medical equipment will be initiated through competitive bidding of contractors. Monitoring and supportive technical supervision of the civil works will be done by Samaritan Health Initiative hiring a Consultant Engineering firm, Civil Engineers, District Health Management Team (DHMT) and Facility Management Board (FMB) to promote sustainability of the project.
Ambulance with accessories and equipment will be procured by Samaritan Health Initiative and donated to Samaritan Care Hospital through the DMHT. Solar light will be installed to enhance delivery and other maternal and child health services at night.
The community through the Facility Management Board (FMB) and Mother to Mother group comprising, local authorities, women’s group, teachers, religious leaders, traders, and health staff representatives will be trained by the DMHT to serve as an oversight body for the management of the facility.
Agoverning board will provide oversight for the management of project activities and recruitment of personnel to fill management positions. The District Health Management Team (DHMT) will supervise the construction of the Samaritan Care Maternity Hospital, train healthcare facility managers, manage the ambulance services and provide mobile phones to report obstetric emergency cases in the district.
Direct beneficiaries include:
- Children under five years of age-20,412 (17.7%)
- Pregnant women- 5,075 (4.4%)
- Women of childbearing age – 25,601 (22.2%)
- Facility management Board (FMB)-10
- Mother to Mother group-40 (from 4 chiefdoms)
- DHMT staff involved in the trainings, ISSV, Coaching and mentoring
- Facility staff.
Indirectly beneficiaries:
The entire population of 115,319 from Bagruwa, Timdale, Kongbora and Kargboro chiefdoms with 506 villages will use the health facility for treatment, institutional delivery, Antenatal and postnatal and referral services.
Project Location: Shenge Town, Kargboro chiefdom, Moyamba district.
The hospital will be located in Shenge town and project staff will be serving 506 communities from the four chiefdoms (Bagruwa, Timdale, Kongbora and Kargboro). These four chiefdoms are classified as one most vulnerable chiefdoms in the districts and are situated far away from the main district referral hospital located in Moyamba the district headquarter of Moyamba district.
Goal of Project
Reduced infant and maternal morbidity and mortality in Moyamba District.
Increase access and utilization of quality evidence based RMNCAH high impact interventions
Purpose of the project
To construct Maternal and Child Health Hospital thereby providing increased access to the health facilities/services for the people of Kargboro, Timdale, Kongbora and Bagruwa chiefdoms in order to reduce disease burden and death among the people especially children under years of age and pregnant women.
Outcomes of the project
- Increased access to Health Facility
- Improved RCH service utilization
- Village Health Board has deeper understanding on the management and oversight of the Health Facility
- Improved capacity of healthcare providers to deliver high quality and affordable RCH services.
- Improved capacity of both the DHMT to supervise the health facility
- Improved referral of MCH cases
- Strengthened health systems for effective provision of RMNCAH services
- Improved quality of RMNCAH services at all levels of service delivery
- Strengthened community systems for effective delivery of RMNCAH services
Main activities of the project
Construction of Maternal and Child Health Hospital.
The Samaritan CareMaternal and Child Health Hospital will provide space for delivery rooms, observation rooms, and office space for the staff to enhance quality service delivery as well as promote access and service utilization. The construction will be monitored and supervised by Samaritan Health Initiative, Civil Engineers, DHMT and FMB.
Furniture for Health Facility.
Wooden tables, chairs, benches, and beds will be fabricated and supplied to the hospital to enhance suitable accommodation for clients
Provision of Solar light:
Solar powered lighting system will be installed in delivery room, postnatal room, observation room, staff office space to enhance quality work at night.
Provision of Ambulance:
One Toyota Land Cruiser Ambulance with accessories will be procured and donated to enhance emergency obstetric cases to the District referral hospital.
Procurement and Donation of Medical Equipment to Health Facilities:
Equipment to include delivery kit (delivery forceps, vaginal speculum, kidney dish, artery forceps, sphygmomanometer, and stethoscope, fetoscope, scissors, episiotomy scissors dressing drums, sterilizer, manual vacuum aspirator and extractors, ambu resuscitator bags.). The equipment will be procured by DHMT since they have the technical knowledge.
Formation and Training of Mother-to-Mother Group:
Mother to Mother group comprising of 10 members will be trained by DHMT for three days to carry out social mobilization, home visits, nutrition promotion and monitoring of good health practices at the household level. Topics to be covered in the training include antenatal care, postnatal care, recognition, and early referral of emergency obstetric conditions using the Community Health Workers Training manual.
Formation and Training of Facility Management Board (FMB) members:
The Facility Management Board (FMB)will be comprised of at least nine members trained by DHMT to carry out social mobilization, home visits, nutrition promotion, and monitoring of good health practices at the household and facility levels. Topics to be covered in the training include antenatal care, postnatal care, recognition, working with people, conflict management, resource mobilization, and early referral of emergency obstetric conditions using the Community Health Workers Training manual.
Provision of 105 mobile phones with 36 months subscription.
105 mobile phones will be procured and donated to DHMT for reporting referral cases and disease surveillance. The phones will be used by 100 Peripheral Health Hospitals (PHU), 1Ambulance driver, 1for the maternity Hospital in the district referral hospital and 3 to the DHMT (Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, District Health Sister and Disease Surveillance Officer)
Procurement and donation of one Ambulance (Toyota Land cruiser) with accessories.
One Toyota Land Cruiser Ambulance with accessories will be procured and donated to enhance emergency obstetric cases to the District referral hospital. The Ambulance will transport emergency obstetric cases from remote rural communities to the district referral hospital.
General activities to contribute to all outcomes:
Monitoring and supervision of project activities to be closely monitored and supervised by Samaritan Health Initiative staff in the Program Hospital (Public Health), Facility Management Board, Civil Engineers, and DHMT.
Outreach services, including food bank and pharmacy
A pharmacy with needed medications and nutrition education and food bank will follow guidelines to meet the needs in the community.
Family planning services
Information and resources will be shared through various programs to educate and equip young women on the importance of nutrition, health, and family planning.
Health and Women Empowerment Programs
Empowering economic self-sufficiency to create businesses and secure financial well-being, like micro credit (VSL), Livelihood activities, fishing, agriculture, art and jewelry creation and trading with literacy support to teach health, business, and self-sufficiency.
The activities of these initiatives will be implemented through partnership with the District Health Management Team (DHMT), Civil Engineers and community members of Shenge Town and other chiefdoms. The construction of the Samaritan Care Maternal and Child Health Hospital, equipping with furniture, procurement of ambulance, and procurement of mobile phones will be implemented as described above. The FMB training will include project management skills to enable members to fully participate in the management of the project. Samaritan Health Initiative in collaboration with the District Health Management Team during the FMB training will train board members on the monitoring and supervision of civil works/projects. The civil works will be jointly monitored and supervised by the Civil Engineers, DHMT, the community and Samaritan Health Initiative staff.
Monitoring and supervision of the entire project activities like the civil works will closely done by Samaritan Health Initiative staff in the Program Hospital (in the field), the community, Civil Engineers and the Moyamba DHMT.
Key Partnerships and Collaboration:
- Politics: The political class must ensure that health remains one of the Government of Sierra Leone’s (GoSL) top priorities. We will support their efforts to provide a secure political environment where health remains consistent and a focused priority year on year.
- Governance: The Minister of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) must continue to make improvements to its structure and function in order to deliver on its mandate more effectively.
- Financial Accountability and Transparency: efficiency, effectiveness, and value for money at every stage of the budgeting and expenditure and reporting process.
- Legal Frameworks: The statutory framework by which the health sector is governed must continue to be expanded, revised, and improved.
TBD – Will depend on funding